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Dec 2, 2022
Recreational boater's personal injury claim against power company allowed to proceed
The plaintiff was running his flat boat powered by a 40-hp surface drive on the Tangipahoa river. He decided to explore some shallow...

Nov 21, 2022
Seaman's deposition testimony gets his Jones Act lawsuit dismissed
The seaman was hurt while feeding a mooring line over the side of the ROSS CANDIES. He felt pain in his abdomen around the site of a...

Nov 14, 2022
Court refuses to dismiss lawsuits of seamen killed while driving skiff back to towboat from bar
This case involves crew members getting drunk at a bar and then running a small skiff into the head of a large northbound tow while...

Nov 7, 2022
Limitation of Liability Actions: what are they and why do vessel owners file them?
Congress passed the Limitation of Shipowners’ Liability Act in 1851 to encourage U.S. shipping. Most agree the societal aims of the...

Oct 27, 2022
Injured maritime worker covered by the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act
A maritime worker who does not qualify as a Jones Act seaman is likely covered by the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act...

Oct 20, 2022
Injured Seamen: Jones Act Negligence, Unseaworthiness and Maintenance and Cure
Most land-based employees are entitled to workers’ compensation when they are injured at work. Seamen do not get workers’ compensation. ...

Oct 11, 2022
Court allows declaratory judgment action on maintenance and cure to proceed against seaman
The seaman complained of injuries to his neck and lower back after he was involved in an incident on January 18, 2022, near Chalmette,...

Oct 4, 2022
Court allows deckhand to bifurcate personal injury damage claim from limitation of liability action
This case shows how the plaintiff’s bar is using bifurcation in vessel limitation of liability actions to obtain a jury over the issue of...

Sep 26, 2022
Heaving anchors to get underway does not give ship navigational privileges
The ship in this Mississippi River collision case argued it was a privileged vessel under the Inland Navigational Rules such that the...

Sep 15, 2022
Hemp oil use triggers U.S. Coast Guard Suspension & Revocation proceeding and license suspension
The U.S. Coast Guard filed a Suspension & Revocation proceeding against a mariner for testing positive for marijuana after he used hemp...

Sep 12, 2022
Jury awards $3.4 million to Jones Act seaman
Here is an update about a recent jury verdict out of New Orleans federal court where a Jones Act seaman obtained close to $3.4 million...

Sep 5, 2022
U.S. Coast Guard suspends chief mate’s license for inappropriately touching and hazing deck cadet
The U.S. Coast Guard suspended a senior ship officer's license for hazing and inappropriately touching junior personnel while serving as...

Aug 30, 2022
Court bars Jones Act employer from countersuing deckhand for fraud
At 3:30 in the morning, the DAVID G SERT and her eighteen barge tow of empties collided with dredge pipe being towed by the LA BELLE and...

Aug 22, 2022
Barge washer's Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act claim dismissed
The court granted Ingram's motion to dismiss the barge washer’s claim in this case because the barge washer was injured by a condition he...

Aug 16, 2022
Court addresses admissibility of post-incident improvements to platform in personal injury case
The roustabout claims he was injured when he tripped and fell while walking on a skid beam on the Lena Platform in the Gulf of Mexico. ...

Aug 11, 2022
Court dismisses deckhand’s maintenance and cure claim for not disclosing pre-employment injuries
While unloading cargo from the M/V CARIBOU to the Horn Mountain Spar in the Gulf of Mexico as deckhand, the plaintiff allegedly suffered...

Aug 9, 2022
Court finds grain terminal's $20 million damage claim was foreseeable and not limited by dock tariff
This dispute arises out of an incident occurring in 2020 when the ship’s crane made contact with a component of a grain terminal’s...

Aug 4, 2022
Introducing Adam Davis Law Firm
-August 4, 2022- Dear Friends and Colleagues, As many of you know, my legal career has developed over the past several years at one of...
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